Improved access to Cervical Cancer screening and treatment options for Kisumu County residents
Women of reproductive age in Kisumu have better and more options for screening and treatment of Cervical Cancer thanks to a partnership between KMET, CureCervicalCancer in collaboration with the County Government of Kisumu to train health providers with skills to screen and treat Cervical Cancer at the initial point of care.
The project dubbed See & Treat has incorporated facilities and health workers drawn from both the public and private sectors and christened the health facilities See & Treat Centers.
The Centers have been equipped with Cryotherapy and Thermocoagulation machines, CO2 gas and screening commodities to maximize opportunities for early diagnosis and treatment of suspicious cancer lesions as soon as they are identified.
These facilities are currently screening an average of 150 women per month with a total of 22,937 women having been screened between 2018-2019 and positives treated on site.
53 Community Health Volunteers (CHVs) have been sensitized to carry out door to door mobilization and sensitization of the community on the need to seek screening and testing on Cervical Cancer.
With an annual number of new cases at 4,802 and mortality rate of 2451 due to Cervical Cancer there’s still high unmet need to screen and treat that our partnership with CCC has to address in the region. There are more than 200 facilities spread across the County of Kisumu.
Listen to the KMET Executive Director speak about the project.